Thursday, April 9, 2020

Sara Nelson for VP

This set of demands from progressive groups to Biden is pathetic. Biden does not care about any of these positions. He has already said he finds them dumb, unworkable, and costly (costly to his donor friends). If Biden wanted to show good faith to the progressives within the Democratic Party, and acknowledge the fact--in fact--that the majority of Democrats support Bernie's agenda, he should choose, as his VP, Sara Nelson, head of the flight attendants' union. Nobody and nothing else will do. Sara stood toe to toe with Trump and McConnell and beat them in the shutdown at the start of 2019. She is telegenic, sharp, and not a politician in the DC Swamp. 

But I don't expect that to happen. Not at all.

So here it is, Biden fans and any Democratic Party voter who thought Bernie was "too left," "too angry," etc. You have your work cut out for you. I can't wait for you to find your "moderate" Republican friends ready to vote for Biden over Trump. I'll wait to hear the results of your private polling among those friends. I know what I found, and it was 100% for Trump over Biden, including a pro-choice woman Republican voter I personally know. As with most white oriented women, she favors race and class over gender every time. Funny how conservatives are ultimately Marxists in understanding the class issue predominates. :(