Monday, April 13, 2020

We owe the young an apology, not a lecture

This online meeting with Biden and Bernie is interesting. And hopeful. But I do know how Biden thinks and acts when he gains office. On the most important issues, he has been Senator Payne, not FDR. He has been wrong on the issues that reverberate into our time, and has been quick to side with what George Carlin calls the owners of this country.

Still, I think we have to rid ourselves of Trump and the Republican controlled Senate. From there, I also think we are ready for a true second party to defeat the Property Party (the Democratic and Republican wings). 

Biden looked good, though, and not like a guy ready to have a stroke. And it was about freaking time that he at least spoke positively about Millennials and Gen Z instead of his previous dismissive "get off my lawn" language. 

However, again, if there are people who say they don't believe Biden and are still NeverBiden, then I say, It's only April and I share your anger and frustration. Also, I will continue to defend such people against those who wish to lecture them in that BlueNoMatterWho language. I also plan to continue to speak up for Bernie's proposals--and even more than what Bernie has said, particularly regarding the American Empire. Unlike the usual Democratic Party pundit suspects, I appreciate and apologize to, not lecture or castigate, the young especially who are pissed off, want Vermin Supreme for president, or otherwise say f--k the system. We owe the young people an apology, not a lecture, for my generation and my parents' generation for f-king up this world. An apology. Not a lecture.

UPDATE same day:  Krystal and Saagar nail why this meeting of Bernie and Joe occurred.  Biden is a zero with young people, and college political activists.  I agree with the DSA position for DSA as an organization.  They believe in a movement, not short term electoral politics.  And while I can argue against that, too, I am not lecturing the largely young members at the DSA.  I apologize to them.