Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dear friend of mine

Bernie has suspended his campaign.  It is weird to say we can still vote for him and go to the convention.  I have to say I don't believe that means anything anymore.

Sybille Baier sings to us how I feel about this right now. It's the end/dear friend of mine.

David Frum, former Bush II speechwriter who came up with Bush II's phrase "Axis of Evil," is a smart political operative, regardless of his policy views.  I speak of him to quote his greatest insight into modern American politics:

The Republican Party leadership fears its base. The Democratic Party leadership hates its base.

I expect to go #DemExit after November.  I have consistently said Trump is a danger to what remains of the Republic.  I see the same about the Republican officeholders.  But after that, I see the Dems as the Whigs of this century.  The split between northern and southern Whigs in the 1850s is the split between corporate and progressive Democrats today.  They have made clear with actions what AOC said to such consternation from those very people who deride progressives, which is we don't belong in the same political party.