Saturday, February 22, 2020

I feel so great I did not have to do this research

A PhD candidate at the University of Oxford has done the work I would have had to do about the libels against Jeremy Corbyn and anti-Semitism. I am so damned angry about the way in which Blairites in the Labour Party gleefully and cynically joined the British corporate and government owned media in creating a narrative that was, at its root, false. It is not to say there is no anti-Semitism in any political party in Great Britain. Of course there is, as it is Great Britain and no matter what is going on with Brexit, Great Britain remains culturally part of Europe. And Europe is the center and wellspring from which all anti-Semitism has arisen these past 1700 years.

It is worth the whole read, including links, if one is not inclined to agree with the author's conclusions.