Sunday, February 23, 2020

Thoughts about the Nevada Caucus and Beyond

The Nevada Culinary Union leadership better get with the program or face a challenge to their overall leadership. What is extraordinary about this moment is we are seeing a dramatic decline in base belief in corporate media narratives. This occurred in 2016 when right wingers decided for once not to listen to FoxNews, which people forget were largely hostile to Trump (pushing Cruz, Rubio, anyone they could throw out there), and it was, sadly, MSNBFox and CNN who were playing Trump rallies live and uninterrupted for an hour at a time throughout every day (while only mentioning Bernie as a weird, old guy also-ran). 

I really shake my head at my generation and above who consider themselves marginally or fully Democratic Party voters. They have an opportunity to stand with working people, with people of color, and the young people. Instead, they either snarl, speak with total confidence without any polling data behind them, and wring their hands in abject fear as if this was 1972 or 1952. 

Right now, I really don't care what libertarians think, whether in CA, TX, or elsewhere. Right now, I definitely don't care what rich people think anywhere. I don't care at any time what Trump fans who will never vote for any Democrat think, as opposed to those Trump fans open to Bernie--for those marginal Trump fans, I say, Come on abroad a train that lets your best values shine.  Pissed off at both parties' apparatuses and the way corporations and rich people screw you while lining politicians' pockets--and a corporate media which marginalizes your voices of frustration?  Come on board the Bernie train.  Let the horrible Joy Reid, who was last seen putting on a soothsayer body language "expert" tell us to believe Warren over Bernie in their year old conversation, obsess about Bernie in her interview with Nina Turner last night for not being a Democrat, when 70% of Democrats support his ideas, platform, and strategy for winning general elections. Let Chris Matthews, who I am starting to believe is a dry drunk, compare last night's victory to the Nazis taking France in 1940. And let corrupt corpses rise zombie-like (with no evidence of where that help is actually showing up--I haven't seen it at all) to red bait Sanders. These people are so ridiculous at this point, even the old Boomer and up shut-ins are going to have to wake up, despite their continuing trust in these odious, corrupt corporate media employees.

I should also admit, for this fall, I don't really care what even good Democratic voters think in states that still vote in general elections for Trump and modern Republicans like clockwork--because, as long as there is an Electoral College, Democratic Party voters have to realize their votes don't count in any state that is solid Red for any presidential candidate who wins the nomination (same with Republican voters in any State as Blue as CA, MA, NY, and other such states). However, that last demographic by state does matter for the time being, and matters later in down-ticket races. It is a laughable thing for Obama and Clinton fans to suddenly worry about down-ticket when they presided over the disaster of the past decade in the decline in both Democratic representation and political infrastructure

However, the idea of Bernie winning the nomination hurting down ticket Democrats is nonsense, as all they have to do is say they embrace the platform, and realize Bernie is in fact bringing out voters who have often stayed home--which will only increase their ability to win their races. No matter which candidate gets the Democratic Party's nomination, the Republicans are going to spend $1 billion in ads, and lie through social media, saying that Democrat is for open borders. That argument will ironically be harder to make people believe about Bernie because he has been foursquare for economic nationalism for over thirty years, and, as Joe Biden said, they can then toss out how Bernie opposed the 2007 immigration reform because he was concerned about guest workers undermining American citizens. Sure, Joe, keep saying that (and not telling how LULAC and the AFL-CIO had agreed with Bernie and had opposed that particular legislation, too). Bernie in fact has good coattails, much better than the often irrationally hated Hilary Clinton, and much better than Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden or Mayor Pete would have--I think we should put a fork in Bloomberg.  He wasted a half a billion dollars, the way rich people often waste their money. 

Anyway, as more people realize they have permission to vote for Bernie--notwithstanding the cries and threats from corporate media employee pundits--more will come out and vote for him.