Friday, February 21, 2020

The Russians don't want Bernie. They just want to upset corporate and National Security State Democratic leadership

Good for Bernie to remind people he opposes Russian disinformation efforts and cybersecurity breaches into American electoral systems. What people have to remember is Russia is less interested in taking over America, but most interested in sowing division. They have a compromised president already, and it is why they push openly for Trump. As for Bernie, Putin knows the National Security State Dems hate Bernie, but Bernie supports the same sanctions against Russia which HRC and Obama initiated. Russia is also not on board with combating climate change--and sides with Trump regarding climate change, due to Russia relying for revenue from its oil and fossil fuel production. Putin buys nothing from Bernie per se, but enjoys sowing further unrest among the Democratic Party's establishment. Unlike Trump and the Republicans, who welcome Russian interference, Bernie opposes it strongly and consistently, and supports beefing up US efforts to combat Russian interference. If the establishment had any sense, which too many sadly do not, they would back Bernie as he would at least support continued and possibly expanded sanctions against Russia, and start to lead the world to ameliorate and potentially reverse climate change.