Saturday, December 18, 2021

Vijay Prashad is one of the brightest and most insightful minds on the planet

Here are two lectures from Vijay Prashad.  The first is from 2019, where he spoke before a Workers Party in Ireland.  It is 22 minutes and one second long.  And it is outstanding in its insight, contextualization, and explanation for why political discourses are the way they are, not only where he lives and in Ireland, but in the United States.

The second is from a lecture he delivers in 2018, where he shows those of us who know world history how much Indian politics resembles other nations' politics, including, to some significant extent, our own. He then talks about the Communist Horizon, which is also a phrase Jodi Dean uses. For those who don't know Professor Dean, here she is (at around the 45 minute mark) on Katie Halper's show knocking down the Neo-liberal position that  normalizes Trump supporters as hopelessly fascist, and the anti-anti-Trump left that normalizes Neo-liberalism as no different than fascism. One is a handmaiden to the other, though they are definitely not the same, but both must be opposed with a robust visionary set of arguments.

Overall, though, Prashad is the brightest and most insightful mind on the Internet today. He is as great as Chomsky in Chomsky's hey-day, as great as Yanis Varoufakis, and possesses a worldview or paradigm changing perspective as Barbara Ehrenreich.  Prashad is simply compelling viewing and hearing.