Friday, December 24, 2021

"Don't Look Up"--just watch it on Neflix or however you can.

The Wife and I just finished watching "Don't Look Up" on Netflix. The film is anti-corporate and anti-social media, anti-politics, anti-capitalist, and pro-science. It is a combination of "Network" (here and here), "Dr. Strangelove," "Knowing," and Anthony Burgess' under-appreciated novel, "The End of the World News."This film is a truly dark comedy, and I mean dark, but it is amazingly powerful. 
I am already seeing corporate media reviews that attack the film. I saw one in Salon magazine, as the guy reveals himself to be an idiot who unwittingly admits halfway through his review how much he hated director/writer Adam McKay's "The Big Short." That review only proves the film's point, which is corporate media executives pay stupid people to be stupid. 

Expect more attacks on this film.  It is that dangerous to powerful interests.  Hats off to Netflix for letting this through. Too bad our political-economic elites already know, from climate change to COVID, most people are inert, easily misled, and often what John Lennon said in "Working Class Hero" about most of us.  Just...peasants. 

Oh well. It was interesting while it lasted. :(