Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The only left case for Biden-Harris, as stated by Nathan Robinson

Nathan Robinson is one of my young heroes of the political commentary world. He is truly a wise young man. Here, in his magazine, Current Affairs, Nathan makes the case for voting Biden-Harris against Trump-Pence akin to the way in which Angela Davis spoke two months ago. Nathan's article, however, is chock full of links that are worth clicking on. The interview Harris did a short while ago with Colbert is shocking, but not surprising, as I do see Harris as a grifter, and Joe Biden wannabe.

My caveats to Nathan Robinson's arguments are as follows:

1. If you live in a solid Red or solid Blue state, and polling data looks solid of more than ten points in late October, I think leftists should be voting Green for President, if the Green Party is on the ballot in your solid Red or solid Blue state. I plan to do my best to wait to vote here in NM, and may even not fill out my ballot till the day of the election, and just walk mine in wearing a mask and gloves.  I plan to vote Democratic down ballot, completely down ballot.

2. I agree with Nathan the movements are more important than electoral politics at the national level. However, I think we should already be supporting the formation of a People's Party, as that is the only way to electorally mobilize people in a manner that breaks their trust in corporate media, meaning CNN and MSNBC. We already saw this year how Democrats herded themselves into Biden, and now desperately trying to tell themselves Harris is anything other than a grifter of the modern type. 

The only effective way to help people wean themselves off corporate media is first help people go outside the Democratic Party.  Young people, in particular, are not wedded to the Democratic Party, and with good reason. Obama screwed them pretty thoroughly, and showed them he did not stand wit them.  Older people who watch cable news are ultimately passive, afraid of change, but will herd themselves over to wherever the winds blow. The point is to blow the political winds to where the majority of Americans already are, so the politics line up with the policy views of the majority of Americans. That cannot be done in the national Democratic Party. It is too corrupt, in being tied to corporate donors, and too venal, in its symbiotic relationship with talking heads on cable news.