Sunday, March 25, 2018

Others talk more here. Read them.

Henry Farrell did what I usually do when slaying people who are otherwise good but are engaged in hackery.  Here is Farrell's response at the academic blog, Crooked Timber, to Sean Wilentz, a Princeton U historian who really has become a hack.  

And here is Corey Robin in Harper's Magazine helping us understand that Trump is a culmination of Goldwater conservatism and Buckley conservatism, and well within the right wing "tradition."  He is not calling for complacency, but he is concerned, as am I, with the Nicole Wallace-ing and Hugh Hewitt-ing of MSNBC, and the belief that their anger at Trump's style is somehow a criticism of the substance of conservative and right wing views of the past 70 years, and what Corey Robin would say is at least 240 years.  As for Wilentz, his prose reveals more fear of Bernie Sanders' policies becoming the norm than he is of right wing Trumpism being the norm.    

Oh, and a little corrective from the corporate media narrative on steel tariffs from the Economic Policy Institute. 

See?  I can write short, too...:)