Sunday, April 5, 2020

The real swing vote

This is the real swing voter.  That's right.  Joe Rogan.  And he has millions who follow and listen to him who are not watching FoxNews, MSDNC, or CNN. Joe supports Bernie because, whether he agreed with much of what Bernie had to say or not, he said Bernie was the most honest and consistent politician he ever met (Biden tried to go on Joe's show, Joe says, too).  Now, he says he would likely vote for Trump again if the opponent is Biden.  I know, I know.  I can argue till I'm blue in the face--literally blue--against that proposition and the premises behind that conclusion, starting with a judiciary that Trump and the Republicans are amassing who would put women to death for having an abortion, while maybe also backing Trump's martial law decree that may yet come.  But there it is.

Joe Rogan and his followers are the real swing voters--and AOC better understand this, too. Heck, AOC.  It was not like Bernie had twisted his values to get Rogan's endorsement. It was the opposite, i.e. Rogan coming on board the progressive train because he trusted Bernie as a real person.  I hope and fear the reason AOC has been doing her pivot is because there are many people running against her in the primary, and there was likely a Pelosi machine threat against her for gallivanting around the nation supporting Bernie when she had a primary initially scheduled for this month.  

So let's set forth the argument from the corporate Democrat and scaredy-cat progressive: In the well off suburbs surrounding major cities, the thinking goes the "moderate" Republican is the swing voter.  You know that person. He or she is the neighbor in your McMansion block.  He or she is the one you see at the gym, the office, the country club, the bar-be-que in those halcyon, carefree pre-coronavirus days. Heck, I worked for and with people like this. He or she is a business person, or some corporate executive in one business or another, and nearly always sound so "reasonable" when you and the person talk about the latest goings on about the Dow or NASDQ. And the person always agrees with you when you say your vacuous crap about "politics is too partisan these days" (see the Ornstein study and get with reality, already; only one party became ridiculously partisan in the past two decades). And the person nearly always agree with you about how vulgar Trump was in that tweet just released sitting on the toilet at 4 a.m. this morning.  You know it in your heart and gut: This person is a "moderate."

Sorry.  That person is voting for Trump because that person wants to hoard their money like one of those people hoarding toilet paper.  They are not voting for any Democrat. I mean, really. If they won't vote for Joe "Things won't fundamentally change" and big donor fundraiser Biden, they won't vote for any Democrat.  Heck, they'd have found a way to not vote Bloomberg, thinking, Yeah, I may need a gun someday, and who wants to have a bunch of regulations and the hassle--and yeah, I like my Big Gulp.

So, message to corporate Democrats, and those who voted for even Warren, thinking Bernie is too radical.  News flash: He's not.  He's got Joe Freakin' Rogan's ear and vote.  And you want to throw that voters' coalition edge away because, I don't know, you seem to think you know better because of something you heard on Lawrence O'Donnell or Rahm Emmanuel wrote.  And anyways, Joe Rogan is anti-trans...or something.  He's just so gross, ya know?  And, also anyways, some BernieBro was mean to you on the Internet because he (almost always a he, right?) exposed your conclusionary statement of authority as having no data source.

Sorry to disturb you.  Go back to sleep because, as George Carlin said, You have to be asleep to believe in the swing voter down the street from you.