Friday, March 13, 2020

As the shibboleths fall before our eyes

Let's run down the list of shibboleths falling before our eyes.

* We can't have UBI because of cost, but the Fed just dropped, out of thin air, $2 trillion--yes, trillion--for their banker friends in the form of short-term "loans." No risks there, right? LOL. Andrew Yang's tweet is absolutely right how we could give $1,000 to each adult in America and maybe every person in America for six months for that sum. 

* We should not worry about free-at-point-of-service health care access for others. Oops. Guess we are in this together, as presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, eloquently said yesterday.

* On that same policy note, it is too expensive to take care of other people's health than to let a disease run literally viral. Sure, sure. I bet the old people screaming against Bernie's socialist ideas, parroting their usual corporate individualist propaganda to each other, and to young, naive children daring to vote for Bernie, are really wanting to test that doctrine right now.

* This country doesn't need laws to economically support families when people lose jobs because that is socialism. Sure you want to keep arguing that?  Maybe we will wake up to the significance of most Americans living paycheck to paycheck, and how 44% of Americans are in full time jobs paying less than $20,000.

* Oh, and ask yourself how you learned about the $2 trillion money drop to bankers. Did you learn it on MSNBC, CNN, or FoxNews? I bet it was on CNBC and FoxBusiness News, if you are a business oriented person watching those channels, and it was probably seen as a good thing--while their pundits rip into any idea of bailing out human workers and the poor as Communism and gulags. What I bet is most of us learned it from our FB feeds and other social media. Funny how that happened. The corporate media news networks are not our friends and the pundits are paid to spout propaganda to keep us as serfs in their feudalism mediated through money, which they call capitalism or free market economics.

On the other hand, it is funny to me how more and more people are realizing it may be a good thing if us old people died from this, since old people are the ones who keep voting for "I've Got Mine" and "Get Off My Lawn"--and support politicians who suppress votes from minorities and young people. I see these jokes about old people to be an early form of "Boomerang." Maybe Boomers and Oldsters, who think I'm just a radical, crazy guy, will start to realize why I feel the way I do, and why I continue to say we have failed our children and grandchildren. 

Nah. It's just overblown, right? No need to limit the spread of this virus by canceling schools and other events. Nope. Just keep listening to your president who fired the pandemic team in 2018, and kept saying this would not spread because he knew more than scientists. And keep buying his usual host of lies.  And MSNBCers, keep thinking we can't afford to help people, give our children hope by standing with their candidate, Bernie, and how the best thing for us is setting the way-back machine set to 2014, when, of course, 89 million were underinsured or uninsured, no federal child care, and no income support when losing one's job.