Monday, February 17, 2020

Men Without Work's "Spoiled Generation" now up on YouTube

Thank you to FB friend Steve Cabiedes for guiding me in putting up this song on YouTube this afternoon. I wrote this anti-Boomer song against us Boomers in 1978, and recorded the song in 1984 in a small recording studio in Buena Park, CA, with me on keys and vocals, and a friend's younger brother on drums. The one difference in the song lyrics is the original version had the line "...when Fonzie and then Star Wars just go sweeping the nation."  In 1984, I changed it to "...when Star Wars and then E.T. just go sweeping the nation."  The lyrics are also in the YouTube explanation section.

Steve Cabiedes came up with the phrasing at YouTube that this song was #OkBoomer before Ok Boomer was cool, and came up with the photo design of throwing dollar bills around the single. 

I wrote out the drum parts for the high school drummer, who was indeed a great drummer.

I will try myself to put up the lead side of the single, "Ron Reagan is a Menace," though that is only relevant for historical reasons at this point. 

Fun fact: There was supposed to be a guitarist for the two songs for the single. However, at the literal last minute, the guitarist's Dad, who worked at the time for the FBI, told him he was destroying his life if he anything to do with this record. Oh well. It was Orange County, 1984, the height of Reagan worshipping in that once hard core right wing, and now more Democratic in many parts of that county.

Final comments: I was 27 years old, and my voice was higher than it is now.  Nothing would make me happier than to see some young people re-record this song with guitars and bass and completely rock it out. All I ask for my permission to use it and we can discuss what you want to do with it commercially. The song is largely in 4/4, with the title line being in 5/4. I'd have to go through boxes in the garage to find the original sheet music I wrote for it.