Friday, January 3, 2020

Drive Bys January 3, 2020

* A documentary about an Israeli lawyer who defends Palestinians I would like to see if it eventually comes here to NM or makes it way to streaming devices on my television set. 

* Here is Michael Hiltzik, business section writer for the LA Times, about how we need to reform Social Security in a way that helps workers.

* This is an amusing comic that takes from Scooby Doo, and puts a direct political spin on it.  It does help explain why I stand with the Kids these days.

* Here is another reason I worry about any call for bi-partisanship among Democratic and Republican Congress leaders.  Richard Neal, Democratic Party chair of the House Ways & Means Committee, helped Republicans sideline a bill that would have helped protect Americans against "surprise" out of network doctor bills.   This has happened to us many times over the years, and, too often, I am not in any position at the time to worry about the doctor not being in network, even as I sit in a hospital that is in-network.  Sigh.

* This is a powerful interview with Yossi Alpher, a former Mossad official, about the state of Israeli politics.  It indirectly speaks to the frustration I have at the continued refusal of the so-called Blue & White Party to coalesce with the combined Arab Parties.  

* Just in case anyone doubts the difference between Mayor Pete's platitudes and what real Christian socialism looks like, here is David Goodner of the Catholic Worker to enlighten.

* Wait. You mean helping people economically may lessen right wing rage and again help most people?  Who knew?  I guess enough people in Portugal have learned this.

* I was always disappointed Assange did not release the RNC emails in the 2016 presidential election.  I knew it was because Obama and Hillary Clinton had declared war on him, and he fell into the "enemy of my enemy is my friend."  But I am glad to see these emails leaked, as it does fill in whatever blanks others still through existed in the case against Trump and also, at least indirectly, Pence.

* Voter registration should be the number one priority for Democratic Party organizations. Sadly, it is not.  Republicans know they don't have the votes, so they need to suppress the vote.  Here is more evidence of the strategy.

* As long as we do not have Bernie Sanders as president, and a Congress that speaks directly to the issues and policy solutions he has raised, this cartoon will remain highly relevant to our discourse.  Rich people are off the hook in most media presentations, and we love highlighting immigration as a cause of our challenges. 

* And, applying corporate media priorities of how much money a candidate raises, it is noteworthy that Bernie beat Mayor Pete, the second place fundraising finisher, by over $10 million, and with much smaller donations than Mayor Pete.  I continue to see Mayor Pete as a neo-lib placeholder, and not a truly viable candidate. Mayor Pete's candidacy is more about rich Democrats hedging bets and praying for a brokered convention. To me, once more Americans learn from their corporate media that Bernie could win, and that is starting to happen, it will allow people to begin to drop the nonsense they tell themselves against supporting Bernie, and embrace Sanders. I think Julian Castro has noticed how Latinos are coalescing around Bernie's campaign, and we saw that in the LA Times article about Orange County Democrats, many of whom are Latino, embracing Sanders.

* A reminder of why it is so necessary for Californians to reform Proposition 13.  And starting a much more robust public housing program.  But bravo to California for banning private prisons and immigrant detention centers.  Imagine what the fifth largest economy in the world could do with some deficit spending/investment.

* My new home, New Mexico, has some promising news, too.  Netflix is definitely committing to New Mexico for now.

* And finally, here is Trump doing what he accused Obama of doing back in 2013, which is to stoke war with Iran for domestic politics purposes.  Oy.   I think Trump's primary method in this madness is to drive Iran closer to the Russians.   He has not shown any abiding interest for a full on war with Iran, but he certainly has done much to drive the Iranian government away from most bi-lateral negotiations with the US and other Western European nations.