Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Time for rank and file white Baby Boomer Republicans to stand up to their leaders

The Week is a right leaning news weekly.  They printed a truth here, which is the donor class to the GOP spoke clearly. There was never a draining of the swamp.  The swamp just became that much more wide and deep.  This single fact explains why the so-called "moderates" in the Republican Party, from Collins to McCain and Graham, etc., folded up the tent of dissent and signed off on this.

Oh, and white Baby Boomers who voted for Republicans all these years, pushing their phony elixir of tax cuts, when the cuts start coming to Social Security and Medicare (each of the two bills cuts growth in Medicare and Social Security, so that its means the more people reaching 65, the less money per person), it was not robbery, at least for you.  It was simply the consequence of policies you supported.  You supported the very thing you will later call "robbery."

But there is a chance to redeem yourself:  Call the Republicans in Congress and the President you helped elect.  You can even say, assuming this applies in whole or in part to you: 

"I'm a good right wing Baby Boomer Republican.  I hate unions, even though I was in one, and had its benefits, including this pension I'm getting.  I fear and sometimes hate black people enough to make sure we don't have national health insurance, 'cause damn if I want to pay for them. I totally fear Muslims, and am glad the US Supreme Court agreed with me and you guys.  And too many Mexicans here are the real problem, what with all the money we give them to come here.  But don't hurt my Social Security and Medicare.  Don't vote or sign this tax bill.  Go back to the drawing board.  You need to make the rich and corporations pay just a little more, as they already are saying they are not putting the saved corporate tax money into anything but stock buybacks and dividends, not create more jobs. The loss of those deductions hurts us very badly, even with the doubling of the standard deduction."  

I thought I would help here in those last few sentences...and no, we don't give much to the "Mexicans" who come here, and many pay Social Security taxes in our names with the phony cards that just go into the larger fund, so the net is not much at all.  The other stuff, though vile, is just your personal opinion, at least for some of you--and you know who you are; deep down, you know. And if you were not in a union, and only have a paltry 401k or I.R.A., well, you really better call now.

So yes, white Baby Boomers who vote Republican, and hey, you oldsters too--couldn't do it without the very aged parents who inaugurated and put into place the Cold War which said, "liberalism is socialism, which is Communism, which is treason!"--this is your chance for some redemption.  Stop putting up your memes, for just a moment, about making kids pray in school, say the pledge of allegiance, political correctness on a few college campuses, or whatever other right wing memes come your way from Russian troll sites or FoxNews.  This is where the rubber meets the road.  You have the credibility with these people, as you vote consistently for them, and heck, you may even back Bernie Sanders next time if they do this to you.  That will really scare the Republican Jesus out of them.