Saturday, December 23, 2017

Common Ground

There are different ways of reaching common ground. I think we owe it to our nation and ourselves to find those who do not vote in Congressional mid-terms who understand the world as we do, and get them out to vote this coming year in the Congressional mid-terms. It is what Alabama, Virginia and NJ taught us in the past six weeks.
I blocked my stalker libertarian right winger with racial insensitivities, and am moving forward myself, though admittedly, I screwed two bullies into the ground elsewhere in the last 24 hours. I sorta regret that, but it was so much damn fun to give them what those two undoubtedly give to others. It's the lawyer in me. We all have Achille's Heels in our worldview. 
But, frankly, the majority of Americans know where we need to move, and organizing one by one and group by group is the source for Common Ground that already exists, and just needs to be allowed to flower. The disconnect is not polarization. The disconnect is minority government ruling over the majority. The majority must be organized to speak, however.