Wednesday, December 16, 2020

My December heroes: Sara Nelson and Jimmy Dore

 Here is Sara Nelson, the head of the flight attendants' union, on Brie Joy Gray's "Bad Faith" show.  She is by far the greatest labor leader in the entire United States. The other leaders should hang their heads in shame, but corporate media doesn't want you to even know who this woman is for the most part. The fact she is not even discussed in serious DC Democratic Party circles tells you why the Democratic Party must now be vanquished.  This was from Dec 11, and she did not realize Bernie was going to push the needle, which he has as of today.  There is now going to be at least $600 stimulus check and no more corporate liability waiver/immunity for the companies that push employees to go back to work when not being protected from the virus at work. 

Speaking of vanquishing the Democratic Party, Jimmy Dore has been the most important guy on the Internet for the past week, as he has just got people's attention in DC about the idea for The Squad and other congressional progressives withholding their votes for Nancy P-Lousy to repeat as Speaker unless she lets a Medicare for All vote on the House floor AND agrees to remove Richard Neal (D?-MA), the biggest friend of Big Pharma and Big Insurance on Capitol Hill, from the chair of the most powerful committee in the House, the Ways & Means Committee--and replaced with Lloyd Doggett (Ralph Yarborough's spiritual descendant-TX).  

Keep the following in mind: Under House of Representative rules, if P-Lousy doesn't get the 218 votes, it does NOT mean right wing Republican Kevin McCarthy (Fascist-CA) becomes House Speaker. The Squad and progressives just don't vote; they don't vote for McCarthy.  And it just means the House has to vote again, and again, again, again. Until P-Lousy, the shittiest negotiator in the history of the House of Representatives will cave because she wants the title of power more than anything else.

UPDATE December 18, 2020: I think we figured out why AOC was so obtuse about Jimmy Dore's strategy idea. AOC was angling for the House Energy Committee chair. She lost. Badly.  And read deep and see Kathleen Rice (D?-NY) is a conservative Democrat who actually opposed Pelosi for speaker  a few years ago from the right wing, not progressive side.  All is forgiven if one works for corporate America. And her record speaks nothing to energy, unlike AOC with the Green New Deal. 

Memo to AOC: These people hate you. They hate you like they hated Senator Jefferson Smith.  She is an outsider in terms of not being a former District Attorney, like Kathleen Rice.  AOC is not a sociopath. She honestly cares about people. She didn't run for personal glory, as much as just wanting to help people. This is why she has to listen to Jimmy Dore on this one. Yeah, Jimmy is a pain in the ass in his over the top attacks on Bernie earlier this year and even now, and his belief that Trump's ties to Russia are just a DNC hoax is beyond my pale. But he is damned right about this strategy.

FURTHER UPDATE same day: Jimmy sees what I am saying, and he is the outsider's outsider Mr. Smith.