Monday, November 9, 2020

The Electoral College is now as divorced from the popular vote as much as the stock market is divorced from Main Street and American consumers

Well, here we are. 

As of late this afternoon, New Mexico time, Biden is up to 50.75% of the nationwide vote, and rising, while Trump is coasting downward toward 47%. Biden has now achieved a percentage level which is higher than presidential winners from 1976, 1980, 1988 (this was the one where Bush I beat Dukakis by 50.7%), 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2016. And the popular vote differential is now about 4.75 million. Yet, Biden is at "only" 290 Electoral College "votes" if one also counts AZ, where it looks like Biden will also prevail, though much closer than was previously thought. 

It is time to say the Electoral College fails to speaks to the popular vote at this point in US history the way the stock market fails to speak to Main Street and consumers.

As I survey the state vote counts in remaining battleground states, I am thinking Biden looks like he will win GA, while Trump wins NC (I don't have any clue why that was not called for Trump days ago). So Biden will end up with 306 EC "votes," the same number Trump won in 2016.

As I have said, this election result is what Dem leadership wanted, which was a referendum on Trump. Too bad as Republicans prevailed in even more state houses and kept the senate. A poor strategy ultimately. This election must really hurt Trump's narcissistic ego as this result is a personal rejection of Trump. What has to also be said is the election is not a rejection of the ideologies and delusions that brought him to power in the first place. 

The only hope I have is more of us Boomers and Oldsters may not be around as this new decade continues to move forward. Kids, you must continue to take to the streets, continue to agitate, and push for The People's Party (and be very active in leading its direction). I am willing to defer to the young folks, and merely provide historical data where I will also say, Make your own history, do not be afraid to be bold, and be guided more by helping others more vulnerable than you, including other creatures on this planet, and the planet itself--rather than helping yourselves.