Friday, October 9, 2020

A "Republic," Not a "Democracy" is a cover for racists and people who don't understand either word. I know, Venn diagram, right?

Yeah, I know this. Do you?

Don't let anyone bullshit you about "We're a republic, not a democracy" when talking about things like voter suppression, the Electoral College, or any number of electoral issues. When talking about the EC, and you hear that bullshit, just ask them why states don't have an electoral college for governor, as there are a whole bunch of rural, small towns in each state, and why there is no EC for any other executive office.

A republic is simply representative government. And, in its purest sense, a democracy is where people, who are eligible to vote (remember how that is itself a political issue), get to vote on nearly every decision, without any representative. Until recently, we used democracy and republic as synonyms because...well, we just did.

That's it.

And also, until recently, before the masks fell off, our elected leaders and media used to tell our nation, and teachers still tell our civics class students, how the basis for our nation's government was "majority rules."

White supremacy dies hard. And capitalism, when in crisis, tends toward fascism to protect the capitalists who kept telling you before about the foundations of "freedom."