Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday night musing

I have been thinking about the Pelosi bill, and how inadequate it is--even as the most Republicans snarl they won't pass anything that helps individuals and small businesses. What I think Pelosi and the Democratic leadership don't understand is this lesson from history: If the liberals and soft left don't move immediately to have a written plan they unite behind that specifically and only helps individuals and small businesses, Trump and the Republicans will eventually move to pass that type of legislation, but do so in a way that predominately helps white people--focusing on Rust Belt and Southern States.* That is the political strategy of the fascist and the Nazis. Let's recall Mussolini and Hitler went to mass public works, all while scapegoating the "other" within Italian and German societies. Mussolini went after intellectuals and leftists. Hitler went after those same two groups, but focused German citizen attention on the Jews, who, often enough, fit those categories in sufficent numbers.

Instead of vote shaming young progressives, and dissenting intellectuals, it is time for the Democratic Party leadership to recognize the danger and act--not repeat the tragic and fatal error of the German Social Democrats and other Weimar Republic politicians and media outlets. Pelosi should revamp the HEROES Bill, cut the 1,800 pages to 100 pages, put in the Paycheck Protection Program and the small business program Jayapal and Sanders are pushing for.  Also, just as importantly, get rid of the lobbyists' bailout and the bailout of debt collection agencies. Let Republicans like McConnell try helping those truly undeserving interests.  I heard someone on the Internet say it simply: Shoot for the moon and reach the stars. What that person meant is, if the Republicans are going to reject a Democratic Party plan, let it be one independent and Republican working class voters want to see as much as Democratic Party working class voters.  And as Democrats gain people's trust, it will lead to more votes for Democratic Party candidates, and put pressure on McConnell as he never has had before.  It is worth a try as we see the usual Pelosi method doesn't work.

* This article in the Atlantic shows how Trump has pivoted to opening things up as he saw the numbers of minorities and poor who were being more infected, and more infected fatally.