Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wildcat strikes from the true essential workers; Trump cavorts with CEOs

Krystal Ball, and then she and Saagar, spoke this morning about how workers on the front lines are being treated, and how they are engaged in spontaneous strikes.  Compare and contrast Trump standing with the CEOs (link is from a website that reprinted the Washington Post article).  Anyone who thought Trump could be a populist is deluded at this point.  He is fascistic, racist, and xenophobic, but not a populist in any economic sense.  

And the two Hill: Rising commentators are fairly solid on the limits of Pelosi's worldview, and how she is taking care of people who are wealthier than the vast majority of Americans.  They are correct how corporate Democrats are handing more power to Republicans who play the populist card with cultural issues, which again is racist, etc.  I should note, in states such as CA, NJ, NY, and MA, where property values are much higher, there are a lot of people who are definitely well-off, but not in the top 1%, paid more federal income taxes with the State and Local Taxes (SALT) limit of $10,000. 

Bernie, meanwhile, tries to tell people through the Internet, having been largely pushed aside again in nightly corporate media newscasts, is saying we need fundamental rethinking about how our society is organized.  But, sure. Keep thinking Biden is "electable."