Wednesday, March 25, 2020

NM harder hit in its economy than the virus--so far

Joe Monahan is on the job: He notes the irony is the economy is hitting NM harder than the virus--so far. Very few NM people travel, which appears to be the biggest factor in whether one tests positive for the virus or has symptoms of the virus. This is a state so economically poor that nearly half the people in the state have either Medicaid, VA, or some other government program assisting them. My first choice candidate for CD-3, Kyle Tisdel (strategically, I may vote for Teresa Leger Fernandez in the seven person race), has properly called NM a colony of the fossil fuel industry, and, he says, as with any colony, the resources are extracted for profit to everyone but the people who live in or near the land. The stimulus package cannot come quickly enough for many here. And maybe people will realize--finally!--two things (1) we now have a rainy day to start tapping the $24 billion in funds, one of the highest of any state (California's is "only" $21 billion, and CA is the fifth largest economy in the world and has 20 times the population); and (2) maybe it is time to be creative and diverse in pursuing an economy that is not so reliant on the booms/busts of fossil fuel.

Oh, and Joe, now a FB friend, quotes another FB friend, Steve Cabiedes in Joe's latest blog post.