Monday, March 16, 2020

Biden's laugh and the institutional rot in our nation, the two party system, and the corporate owned media

You know, for a corporate media which destroyed Howard Dean's 2004 campaign over him yelling with joy after the 2004 Iowa caucuses, I find it interesting how nobody has commented on how many times Biden laughed in Bernie's face when Bernie confronted Biden about Biden's record and Biden lying about his past positions.

I know that laugh.  I have been laughed at in that precise way by Democratic Party insiders I have met over the year. It was the same type of contemptuous, condescending laugh. 

The laugh is a metaphor for how the corporate class in the Democratic Party actually feels about progressives in the party.

I left the Democratic Party in the period of 1994-1998 (I returned for Gray Davis' gubernatorial campaign in CA in 1998, and saw him lie once he got into office in 1999), and then left the party again for the period of 1999-2003. I reluctantly came back for the 2004 election and have stayed ever since, always with frustration at what I see as institutional corruption inside the party--but recognizing how binary most Americans are about party politics.

Right now, however, I am ready to join the kids, the Sunrise Movement, BlackLivesMatter, and other progressive groups to create a new political party, which does not contain the institutional barriers to true change and reform, IF they decide they have had enough after this November. The kids are not as much into binary politics and this is healthy.  We can only stop the Property Party--as Gore Vidal called the Democrats and Republicans starting in the 1960s through his death in 2012--if we destroy one or the other of the duopoly. 

Democrats are wrong to call Trump an existential crisis. Trump is not an existential crisis. Trump is the RESULT of the four existential crises, of climate change, systemic inequality, medical care, and student debt.  If the kids and progressive groups don't leave the Democratic Party, I may leave again anyway. The rot of our nation's economy, its systemic inequality, its reliance on fossil fuel industry subsidies, tax credits, exemptions, etc., and its war machine and Empire, and its completely rotted corporate media that spews propaganda for the ruling class in our society, make it imperative that we get out of this cycle of madness, delusion, and self-immolation.

Even The Wife, while happy Biden did not show his dementia after a week's rest in last night's debate, was disgusted by Biden's behavior and lies about his record. She remembered, as I do, about how the Clintons and Obama lied about their pro-corporate Democratic Party positions to get elected.

For anyone who detests Trump's lies, and lets Biden slide for his lies and distortions last night, feel free to return to your regularly scheduled propaganda on CNN and MSNBFox.