Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Bernie over Yang if we want to really help people

YangGangers have to stop the nonsense that this Trump proposal is better than Bernie Sanders' proposals for income guarantees up to $60,000 annually, $2,000 a month for households, mortgage/rent relief, unemployment benefits for up to 100% of salary or weekly wages, and medical treatment beyond the coronavirus. One can make fun of Sanders' proposals as things that still won't fly, but maybe it is time for more Americans, especially YangGangers, to start demanding the possibilities be more directly confronted, especially as I see YangGangers calling for general online strikes.

As for Trumpists, you may keep denying things can change except when Trump calls for it. And Bidenites, keep thinking this is only a temporary crisis, instead of the very type of crisis which exposes the rot in our economic, medical, and political systems. In other words, go back to corporate cable television. Nothing to see here.