Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Hill's Rising is the most important political show on the Internet and therefore anywhere

This is Krystal Ball's Radar analysis this morning about Elizabeth Warren. I could not have said it better myself. I loved Warren and am so disappointed in how she has conducted the campaign. I signed petition after petition to have her run in 2015 for 2016. And had thought she was holding back from endorsing Bernie because she was gearing up to challenge Chuck Schumer's Democratic Party leadership in the then next Senate session. Then, she just supported Schumer without a fight.

And here is Saagar's analysis of the joke that was Deval Patrick's "campaign," and then nails how identity politics/vanity/biography candidates failed, including Warren's "self-care" campaign.

If you are not watching Rising on a regular basis, you are missing out on important analysis and people who get the actual narrative we are living in.