Sunday, January 5, 2020

It gets worse.

* For those who want to give a pass to Elizabeth Warren and others for voting for the military budget bill, let's walk back to this December 11, 2019 article in the NY Times where we find out why Bernie Sanders and other true progressives voted against the military spending and powers bill. Here is the choice quote from the article:

"...And the final version jettisoned several other provisions passed by House Democrats: to ban new detainees from being placed at the military detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba; to prohibit the sale of certain types of munitions to Saudi Arabia; and to require Mr. Trump to seek congressional approval before taking any military action against Iran.

"Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota, said in a statement that she would not support the bill even though it contained some amendments she sponsored. “This bill commits the U.S. to endless involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen, continues funding for endless war” under a 2001 military authorization and “does nothing to prevent the administration from launching a disastrous war with Iran,” she said. 

(Emphasis added)

Let's remember, too, that military spending is 60% of the federal discretionary budget, which means six of every ten cents the federal government spends, apart from Social Security, Medicare, and interest on the federal debt, goes to the military.  This is part of why we can't have nice things.  Among the candidates running for president, only Bernie--and I repeat, only Bernie--uses the phrase "military-industrial complex" and only Bernie has a reasonably full understanding of the effects and consequences of the American Empire, and its connection to American workers' economic decline.

Oh, and we see how Trump's administration warned the Russians--the Russians--before they consulted with the US Congress.  One more reason why I think Putin has something on Trump, and Trump is potentially compromised, and maybe even a Russian asset.  With Russia getting closer and closer to the Iranians, this was a major security risk for Trump's action--yet, the Russians didn't tell the Iranians about the impending attack.  One can only wonder.