Friday, December 27, 2019

How uniformed does one have to be to join an MSNBC panel?

Even when MSNBC deigns to report on what most have seen for at least five weeks, as it did this morning--hooray!--, the suits still have to ensure at least one corporate shill on the panel will attack Bernie Sanders. This time, it is Heidi Pryzbyla. She is the personification of the cocktail party goer in the DC Village who really makes no time to read anything. First, Pryzbyla has obviously missed all the anti-Bernie "analyses" in corporate media. Also, with any research, she could have learned Bernie is known as the "amendment king," for ensuring better legislation and stopping or undermining the scope of bad legislation. I crack up at her idea that Bernie is wrong because it took the rest of the nation 30 years to catch up with him, when he was not on television. Pryzbyla forgets over 60% of Americans polled in 2015 had never heard of Bernie. Finally, and most importantly, Bernie has openly said he would continue to mobilize Americans after the election because, as he also says, his becoming president alone can't change things. So on every single point the commentator made, she was either wrong or uninformed. There is a reason the networks hire such incompetent people, and that is because they know what to say that pleases the corporate executive class. And uber insider Mike Barnicle is wrong to think most of Bernie's current supporters have been with him for decades. I have, but I am an outlier on this. Most of the people who like Bernie had first heard of him only around 2015. Even Nina Turner had not known hardly anything about him when he announced. She had been an early supporter for Hillary Clinton in 2014, and was stunned to learn about Bernie.

It is amazing to consider how these people on television are so uninformed.  But less amazing when one considers how the capitalist press operated since the late 19th Century and how corporate media has conducted itself, particularly since the early 1980s.