Sunday, December 29, 2019

David Brin's post about watching the watchers and links are vital reading

Bernie needs to speak with David Brin, stat. Bernie can't rely on the ACLU, as Brin notes early on in this blog post, as the ACLU is stuck in the "Let's blind the elites" mindsets, which Brin says will not work because they never worked. I am sometimes less optimistic about Brin's approach of watching the watchers than Brin is, but I find Brin's approach far more reasonable. Brin's approach allows for continued technological advances, and gives regular people tools to fight against non-transparent authority. Brin has always represented a type of libertarian sensibility that has more in common with the New Deal and even Emma Goldman than Ayn Rand.  I recall, in 2015-2016, Brin liked Bernie, meaning he still liked Hillary Clinton more, from his strategic point of view, but he believed Bernie to be a solid candidate who he would have gladly voted for, and against Trump.