Friday, October 5, 2018

Right wing American Stalinism in full view

Right wingers have gone full American Stalinist. I saw a right winger on my FB page who posted a photo of a car with bullet holes, saying that Dr. Ford's story had more holes than the car.

The thing to me is the lies BK has told about what he was doing and not doing during the time he was in high school and college. He has lied about the extent of his drinking and partying. He has lied about the meaning of phrases used in his year book and the people mentioned in his yearbook. Usually, when confronted in a courtroom with a person who lies, there is a jury instruction that says, if you find someone willfully lied about something, you are entitled to reject all of their testimony. You don't have to, but you can.

So when people tell me, Oh Ford can't prove her case because there are only her, BK, and BK's friend, and those two guys deny it, I laugh and say, Oh yes, a jury can easily find them responsible. They are the ones who hid from the FBI investigation--and for reasons which are fairly clear in terms of corruption--as the FBI decided to only go on mostly poor Senate questioning and not even bother to interview and cross examine Ford, Judge and BK, and not talk to several other witnesses who could have contradicted things BK was saying. 

So often in a sexual assault case, it is a he said/she said. This is why careful cross examination is performed, and lawyers on both sides look for circumstantial evidence, and look for lying about matters that would be considered relevant to the circumstances and habits of people.

BK himself showed, quite shocking to me, that his word is not to be trusted by the lies he has clearly told about his late teens and early to mid 20s. I don't even understand why he did this to himself...unless he felt that if he admitted to such behaviors, people would wonder if he did it. So then he decided to lie, and now we wonder, more correctly, whether he is lying too about that evening at the party with the then younger Dr. Ford--a woman who went into psychology and issues of sexual and other traumas in large part because of what she has said happened to her. His lying is a form of a cover up, and we know what people have said since the time of Nixon about cover ups.

Yes, right wingers. Just keep telling yourself Dr. Ford's story is really so incredible. And people studying Europe and America in the 1930s wonder how our political views can possibly lead us to ridiculous and horrid places. I think of US Communist Party members in the 1930s who had to twist and turn with every party line change because it was supposedly necessary to "protect the Revolution" and its leader, Stalin, "the Man of Steel" they often called him, as that is most familiar to sensibilities I myself may have had had I lived in that decade. This is what has happened to right wingers and their support for the current Republican Party and Trump. And we who have been so critical of the Democratic Party for its own set of corrupt leaders--in part because I never want to be a mindless "party man"--wonder where that is for the Republicans. If Collins, Murkowski, Flake, etc. all end up voting for BK to the US Supreme Court, I think even corporate media will finally stop giving them a term they never, ever deserved: "moderate."

There is nothing moderate about voting for BK at this point. Nothing.