Friday, April 27, 2018

Drive by thoughts on the Korean leader summit

My headline for this news:

"Koreas come together, after realizing the United States continues to be run by imbeciles."  

My back of the napkin analysis:

Kim Jong Un was supposed to be the crazy guy.  I think Trump, considering his latest rant with his advisers, also known as "Fox and Friends," is perhaps the crazy guy. 

Still, Kim Jong Un is taking a big risk for his dictatorship here.  If he pursues and gains peace, he will no longer have the "scary monster" South Korea theme to keep North Korean people continually on edge so as to "justify" his dictatorial power system.  Kim seems to be doing a deKlerk or Gorbachev here, and we know what happened there from a dictator's standpoint. :)

Who knows where this goes, but at least right now it is promising.  For me, I recall my optimism after Rabin and Arafat shook hands after Oslo in 1993....and that promise of peace did not work out well.  However, the Northern Ireland resolutions have held up fairly well....Each of us may choose the historical analogy we wish to choose, but we should always remind ourselves that each historical episode also stands on its own, depending upon the serendipity of personalities at the moment.