Monday, August 21, 2017

Don't count on keeping the free birth control in your employer's group health insurance...

The specter of Chistrian Dominionist/Dominatrix Vice President Pence rises again.  Trump just dances with those who brought him.

Okay, ladies.  You know what to do here.  Can't count on enough of us guys here, unfortunately.  Time to get out the pink pussy hats and protest.  We will try to join you this time.

Also, 2018 is arriving sooner than we think.  And the single ladies especially, who often do not vote in non-presidential election years when the Congress critters and a third of the Senate cats are up for renewals, may actually find a reason to vote against the mean ol' ones who would make them pay more for birth control pills and devices.

Then, we can elect a Democratic Party dominated Congress and put the Trumpster in his place.  He will submit.  He is really not all that tough.  And, really, he just wants to be liked.

UPDATE 9:10 p.m. 8/21/2017:  I guess Robert Reich sees what I do.  We won't talk about, at least for this moment, the damage people like Scott Pruitt and Betsy DeVos are doing...Just hold on, though, folks.